Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nana and Kracker visit

Curt's mom and Judy came up for a quick visit on Thursday evening and Friday. Loren stayed home from school and had a great time playing. And I enjoyed a day at home with two extra sets of hands to help with the girls.

Kate napped on Judy's lap.

Loren used the chalkboard on her kitchen to teach Nana and the animals.

In the afternoon, we took our new tandem stroller (Joovy Caboose Ultralight) out for its first run, to Choux Factory, a.k.a. the cream puff place.

Loren shows Judy her new favorite website (

Jane and Kate were worn out after an exciting day.

1 comment:

wtfree3 said...

Starfall is an excellent site. Will has been using that one off and on for a couple years.