Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stardate 63029.28 - Office Holiday Party

Cheryl and I decided to host a small holiday party for my co-workers last Thursday night. For some reason, Loren was particularly excited about this party. Cheryl, with just 2 weeks until her due date, did a fantastic job organizing and preparing the food for the event. We had a pretty good turn-out, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Here Loren sits at the food table to have her dinner.

Terry and Lisa mug for the camera as Cheryl walks by.

Naz, Aparna, and Emily chat.

Michael and Scott pay attention to another conversation while Rick caught me taking the photo.

Ed tells a story while John listens.

The team surprised Cheryl and Xandree (also pregnant) with cards and gifts. Xandree threatened me if I put any photos of her up here, so here is one just of Cheryl and me while Ed, Michael, and Aparna listen to my reading of the card.


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