Thursday, February 26, 2009


note: I give up! Blogger keeps rotating the photos. Imagine them rotated 90 degrees left!

I finally got a picture of Kate smiling. She has been smiling more and more often for a couple of weeks, but always seems to stop (or fall asleep, or need to eat, or we get distracted by Loren, etc) by the time we get the camera ready. I'm sure there will be more and more smiley pictures to come. She is a pretty happy baby.

As an oldest child I mainly got to wear "original" clothes, with the exception of some clothes handed down from my mom's youngest sister Janice, who is 4 years older than me. Kate, on the other hand, has worn almost nothing but hand-me-downs. We have so many 0-3 month clothes --from Loren, cousin Ellie, and a few even from cousin Ethan-- that I have joked she could wear a different onesie every day that she's in the size and never repeat. Once we get into the larger sizes we don't have quite as many, because Loren caught up to Ellie in size so we didn't get Ellie's hand-me-downs. But even so we have lots leftover from Loren and I will have to make sure Kate gets some of her own special things.

Having two girls wear the same clothes gives quite a sense of deja vu. I dressed Kate up in this outfit yesterday because we were making a stop by my office (she never woke up during the visit, so no one saw it anyway!). I remembered that we had pictures of Loren in the same outfit at her first Christmas.

And, to go back even further, the duckie sleeper in Steve's right hand is still in Kate's wardrobe. And somehow Blogger did not rotate this one. But I'm not going back to reimport the others.

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