Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Stardate 60890.21 - Loren's Snowsuit

Since today was in the 30s, we decided to put Loren in one of her snowsuits this morning for the trip to daycare. She has had a cold for 5 days or so now, so her nose and chin are a little chapped.



Curt Sawyer said...

I've turned on some additional RSS feed options and am posting this note to test them out.

-s said...

Argh, ever since you upgraded bloglines has decided to not pick up your feed. I'll have to re-enter the feed.

My guess is the chapping is from your 85F apartment :)

Curt Sawyer said...

My RSS reader had no problem with the "upgrade".

Actually, because it has been in the 40s the heat has not run continuously and it was all the way down to a chilly 68 in Loren's room the other day! But it turns out the radiator needed to be bled and once that was done the heat was working in there.

Last night we were back up to a more pleasant 71.5 as we went to bed.

Anonymous said...

71.5 is pleasant? That sounds stuffy hot to me!!!! If you keep Loren's room at 71.5 at night, what do you keep it at during the day? Us, non city folk, keep the house much cooler at night than during the day.

Curt Sawyer said...

You have to remember - we don't have a thermostat. Heat is each room is either on or off. The only way to adjust it is to open a window. There is no fancy suburban day/night temperature control here.

Anonymous said...

Bloglines is currently picking up on severely out of date atom and xml feeds. Weird. The latest post on the most recent was from 11/16.

Anonymous said...

I would clarify Curt's comments a bit. Those temperature readings are off of an LLBean travel alarm clock -- there is no thermostat. There is an unmarked valve on the radiator in each room that we can adjust, so we can at least kind of control between off, toasty, and tropical. But we have never successfully hit 68 -- if the valve is open at all, 70/71 is about the minimum. We don't usually need to open the windows unless we have a lot of people over. We kept the house in Virginia at something like 65 at night and bundled up.

And on the chapping -- the nose is definitely from excessive wiping. Her chin isn't actually chapped, rather she has a little spot of eczema that clears up with neosporin/hydrocortisone but then comes back.