Monday, January 28, 2008

Stardate 62075.29 - She's Back!

Paige Davis is back hosting Trading Spaces on TLC again!

Trading Spaces used to be my little guilty pleasure, but I wasn't a big fan of some of the formatting changes they made. Once Paige left it was the nail in the coffin and I stopped watching altogether (some of you may recall that she is on my list). :-)

The past Saturday night was the start of a new season and the return of Paige (and some of the designers who apparently left as well). The show has turned a little more touchy-feely as the lives of the homeowners are taking a more prominent role (Saturday night the people trading had previously been married and had a child together, and one of them had re-married after the divorce), but the old-style format is back. I've added this one to the line-up, and thanks to the writers' strike I'm still below my one hour of TV per day.

Thumb up - way up!

Trading Spaces is on TLC on Saturdays at 9 PM eastern.



BullBunky said...

She seems to have brought with her two new hunky carpenters!

Curt Sawyer said...

I wasn't watching for the male carpenters...
