Sunday, September 03, 2006

Stardate 60673.64 - Sailing Photos

As I previously mentioned, we had a great sail on Thursday. One of the other crew members (Betty, pictured below) brought a camera and got some great shots.

I'm actually hanging out back in the space where the instructor normally sits (the stern pulpit, hanging onto the backstay), because it is out of the way (with 4 crew members there are not enough tasks for everyone to be working simultaneously, so we rotate).

This was the final practice day for the guy at the helm (Josh) before he takes his skipper's test. He just took the bar so he has had some time off before he starts working and has been using that time to sail almost every single day. The crew member in red (Nirit) is a neurosurgen. The skipper (Thomas, wearing the hat) is a PdD who teaches doctors about pacemakers. Betty and I felt undereducated for this boat, as we both just had master's degrees (both in the IT field). Thomas made a comment that he meets more highly educated people sailing in the club than at any other activity (other than his work, of course).


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